


If you can volunteer a few hours a month to bring a parishioner to and from a doctor appointment, please contact the Pastoral Care office at (631)261-4837 and let us know when
you are available.

Through the Sacrament of Holy Communion, spiritual guidance, compassionate understanding and temporal assistance, we seek to help the infirm, elderly and ill to maintain their connection to the Blessed Trinity and our Parish Family, with dignity, faith, hope and love. As ministers, we pray for the humility of Christ and the reverence toward humanity, as exemplified by St. Francis of Assisi. May the Holy Spirit fill us with His Wisdom and Guidance, so that we may never turn away a person in need and may we seek the face of Christ in all our encounters. When we doubt ourselves and our service, may we turn to the following Scripture for affirmation (Corinthians 13:4-6).

Eucharistic Ministers to the Homebound
This ministry exists so that we may bring the Sacrament of Holy Communion and the prayers of our Parish Family to those parishioners who are temporarily or permanently homebound and unable to attend Mass.

Road Angels
This is a volunteer transportation ministry, bringing parshioners in need to local doctor appointments. This service was developed to help our elderly who are unble to ride a bus, cannot afford a taxi, or have no friend or family to drive them. Requests for transportation must be called in to this office at least a week in advance.

***Transportation based on the availability of volunteer drivers.

Volunteers for Eucharistic and Road Angels Ministries are always needed. If you have some time, talent and treasure to lend, please call the Pastoral Care Office.






If you are interested in joining the Ministry of Consolation,
please contact, Diane Lake@ (631)499-0395

How does our Parish come together for the celebration
of a Funeral Mass?
When God calls one of His children home to Him, the parish comes together to prepare for the celebration of the Funeral Mass. The Mass is always the memorial of Christ's death and resurrection. He has broken the chains of sin and death that bound humanity and in His infinite love, gives the gift of eternal life. St. Francis of Assisi encourages the participation of the family of the deceased in the planning of funeral rites. It is through the Ministry of Consolation that the parish reaches out to the family. How is this usually accomplished?

• The family of the deceased meets with the director at the chosen funeral home. The director contacts St. Francis to determine the day and time of the Funeral Mass, and gives the family a packet of information from the church with scripture passages and music used at the Masses. The rectory contacts the Ministry of Consolation Coordinator, Mrs. Diane Lake. The ministry consists of companions and greeters.
• Mrs. Lake contacts the members of the Ministry and an available Companion and Greeter is chosen. The Companion gets in touch with the family to set up a meeting with them.

The Companion brings a cake frm the parish as a sign of hospitality to the family and a dialogue is begun. The Companion guides the family through the selection of scripture readings and songs for the Mass. Family members have the option to place the pall on the casket, to perform the readings, to bring the gifts to the altar.The family is encouraged, but not forced, to participate in these selections. This is a cherished time for the Companion to get acquainted with the family and for the family to talk about their loved one.
A booklet is prepared for all who attend the Mass which highlights the music and readings, and contains a brief explanation of the meaning of our Funeral Rites.
• On the day of the funeral, the Greeter meets everyone as they come into the church, hands them a booklet, and helps them with any questions or needs they may have. The Companion meets the family and remains with them throughout the Mass, assisting them in their participation.
• A few weeks after the funeral, the Companion again contacts the family with a card or phone call just to let them know that they are in our prayers.
Our church is committed to call the members of Christ's Body – the priest and lay people – to participate in the celebration of Christian Funeral Rites. The members of the Ministry of Consolation are privileged to carry out the work of our Lord.

Click Here to The Journey from Grief to Healing information